Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Monday, November 18, 2013


This is a word used often in our house. Can you see why?

Eating yogurt. She'll only feed herself so don't think about trying to feed her. She has always refused a bib, making meal time even more fun. 

A mouth FULL of sand in the sandbox.

Here, Maddie very deliberately moved the chairs to the center of the room, carefully placed a box of wipes on top and then climbed up and sat on top of the wipes to eat her banana. 

While I was cooking, Maddie emptied out the the cheese drawer and stood in it. Incidentally, she broke the drawer.

Wearing Hud's clothes.

And, again, in Hud's clothes.

I love her, but GOOD GRIEF! She is a walking DISASTER! 

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