Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Saturday, January 29, 2011

76 degrees

It was 76 degrees in Dallas today, so naturally we were outside a lot.
The park was an obvious choice for a Saturday afternoon.
We're scheduled for the low 20's in about 3 days.
That's Dallas for ya.

Friday, January 28, 2011


Yesterday afternoon I took the Hud to the park where we continued to practice walking, and I think we can pretty much's official- he's WALKING!! What a wonderful birthday gift, thank you, Hudson, now my back can take a little break!

He's growing up so fast and it just amazes me how much they change from day to day and week to week. Some days I wish I could just freeze time and enjoy it a little longer before he moves onto something else. I can not explain in words the joy it gives me to be his mommy. It's a happiness that is simply put- indescribable. I am so proud of my little boy!!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

birthday date

Hudson is my date all day long for my birthday today.
I am one lucky lady!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I go out walkin'...

You want me to do what, mommy?

walk? hmmm...I don't know...

thinkin' about it...

ok, here I come!

almost there...

Yay! I did it!!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

me and my balloon

Yesterday we made a quick stop at Central Market. Every time we go to Central Market Hudson gets a balloon. His favorite thing in the whole wide world!!! This morning he's still loving his balloon and he's taking it with him everywhere!!!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Hud and Ethan

Yesterday my friend James who is a stay-at-home dad had an appointment and asked if his son Ethan could come over and hang out with me and the Hud. Ethan, a super cute little boy- was born December 4, so they're only four days apart, but Hudson looks older. Here he is showing off how strong he is...
The push wagon was a hit- thanks again Alicia, Evan and Scarlett!! Hudson loves his wagon and pushes it all over the house. When he noticed how much Ethan was enjoying it he decided to get in on the fun. After a while they were both trying to push it together. It was quite entertaining.

In other news, Hudson took several steps yesterday, 5 or 6 at a time on his own throughout the day. Walking is just around the corner! Thank goodness- this mommy's back is enduring some serious pain!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Snacking around this house proves to be challenging for two reasons:
1. Willy Wonka
2. Dulce

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Friday, January 14, 2011


For my birthday my friend Teddy Azer sent me this awesome "band in a box" toy. I love it so much, I play with it several times a day. Since I like music so much, mommy signed us up for a "music together" class this semester. Yesterday was our first class and we had so much fun! I made some new friends, played some instruments and even danced a little bit (mommy says when I dance it's the absolute cutest thing she's ever seen- ever- and is working on learning how to upload a video so you, too can see me dance!).
I can play all kinds of instruments...

the triangle...

the drum/tamborine...

and the symbols!

Thursday, January 13, 2011


I love my lovey!
If you ask me to find lovey I'll take you right to her,
put her in my mouth and go about my business.
Mommy and Daddy say they have a "back-up lovey", but I have no idea what that means. I heard them talking this weekend about getting another "back up lovey" so maybe I should try to find out what they're talking about. Lovey sleeps with me every night and takes a nap with me every day. She's my buddy. I love her!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Monday, January 10, 2011


It snowed here yesterday....
okay, it wasn't much, but here in Big D it's still pretty exciting!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

jogging wth Da-Da

all bundled up and ready to go!

the departure

the return
at 5:15 PM
not ideal when bedtime is 7
note to da-da:
afternoon runs must begin prior to 4:30

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Saturday Morning

A trip to the grocery store this morning proved to be extra fun
when we scored this fancy shopping cart for the HUD.
He LOVED it and enjoyed driving the cart all over the store!

Note the bruise on HUD's forehead...yet another boo-boo :(
He got this one by doing a header off of his chair. OUCH!

Friday, January 7, 2011

checking my email first thing in the morning, like daddy...

rockin' my rocking jaffy!