Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Scribbles and Dribbles

Hudson is taking an 8 week long "Scribbles and Dribbles" class at the Museum of Nature and Science. Today was our first class, and as you can see it was a hit! He LOVED it! He's taking after his mommy already- I love it! What a work of art he made (yes, it will be framed). Hudson was the youngest baby in the class, most others were walking already, but given his age I think he did quite well. His gramma Meiburger is here visiting and she really enjoyed seeing Hudson play in the fingerpaints, too! More to come as Hudson's painting skills advance.

1 comment:

  1. This looks so fun! Scarlett would eat the paint though, so we'll have to wait a bit. Miss you guys!
