Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

the words out

I guess Willy Wonka heard that Hudson has been playing with KitKat, so naturally....

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Art History

Loves Louise Bourgeois. Interesting choice I thought. If you know her work you know what I mean. For some reason he LOVES LOVES LOVES this book.

Apparently not a fan of James Rosenquist.

into everything!

Pulling to stand (he can't quite do it on his own yet, but he sure is trying!)

Yes, that is the swiffer. He loves it. I find this very promising.

Investigating the dishwasher.

Hud in a box.

My apologies for the lack of posts over the last few days. I'm living in a whole new world with Hudson on the move. He never slows down and is into EVERYTHING! Nothing is safe these days!!!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

close up of my baby blues

one of my favorite"toys"...the remote control

Monday, September 20, 2010

It's official- he's CRAWLING!!!!!

thinking about it....




I'm on the move....

still moving....

my mommy's in trouble now!!!!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Friday, September 17, 2010

new clothes and a pouty face

Don't I look adorable in the new clothes my gramma Meiburger bought for me?

I've figured out that I really like Mommy's camera so now when she takes my picture I get really upset if she doesn't let me play with the camera.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Scribbles and Dribbles

Hudson is taking an 8 week long "Scribbles and Dribbles" class at the Museum of Nature and Science. Today was our first class, and as you can see it was a hit! He LOVED it! He's taking after his mommy already- I love it! What a work of art he made (yes, it will be framed). Hudson was the youngest baby in the class, most others were walking already, but given his age I think he did quite well. His gramma Meiburger is here visiting and she really enjoyed seeing Hudson play in the fingerpaints, too! More to come as Hudson's painting skills advance.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Friday, September 10, 2010

back to the park

How much does he love the swing?

Ok, I realize this is off-centered, not the best quality, etc., -I still think it's a great photo! If you really look you can see his top four teeth, too!

Lately he's interested in what's underneath him- as is evidenced by this photo.

Hudson LOVES to watch the other kiddos at the park!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

check-ups, cheerios and tornados

Yesterday was a big day for Hudson!! He had his 9 month check-up with the pediatrician, experienced a major down-pour (some might say, Monsoon) on our way to the Doctor, and survived our first tornado warning, and it was scary!!

Overall his check up went great!! Statistics for his 9 month visit are:

Weight, 25 pounds, 4 0z. - >95% (off the charts!)
Height, 30" - 94% (almost off the charts!)

You might be interested to know Scott's statistics at his 9 1/2 month check up were as follows:

Weight, 25 pounds, 1 3/4 oz
Height, 30 3/4 inch

Like father, like son.

We covered lots of stuff at the check-up, and talked with Dr. Dunlap about getting a second DOC Band. We asked him his thoughts and wondered what he might do in this situation. He thought Hudson had shown great improvement and said if Hudson were his son, he'd be okay with the way his head looks now. He thought we should be happy with the results thus far and that if our insurance would be willing to cover the second helmet (or even a significant portion of it), we should do it again. This is a concern because the DOC bands are quite pricey- $3800 to be exact. Yes, you read that right, $3800. So, now we need to decide based on what our insurance will cover whether or not we want to get Hudson another DOC band. It's decision time. Stay tuned....

In other news, we had a pretty bad Texas storm yesterday, which scared me half to death! I can report that we are all fine, however thinking about it this morning makes my heart race again! Right about the time I was getting ready to give Hudson his bath and put him to bed, I heard tornado sirens going off. When I turned on the local news, they were basically instructing everyone in my area to get into shelter immediately! There was a tornado on the ground at Love Field airport and it was moving quickly in our direction (Love Field is 5.8 miles from where we live). So, carrying Hudson, I gathered up the dogs and the cat who were all looking at me like I was crazy and attempted to get us all into the closet under the stairwell. Being that this closet is jam-packed at maximum capacity with lots of stuff, it did not go well. In fact, it was quite a disaster! So on to plan B! Meanwhile, the news reporter was saying in the background "take shelter immediately! take shelter immediately!". We quickly moved into the hallway as I listened to the news from the other room. My heart was racing! This was by far the most scared I have been from a tornado warning in my life, and I've been through plenty of them! Perhaps it was the fact that I was clutching my 9 month old son thinking...our roof could blow off at any minute! We sat in the hallway together for about 15 minutes, until I heard the news reporter say the tornado had lifted and the storm had moved North of where we were. WHEW!
It was almost 7 at this point, and Hudson was getting tired. We had to skip his night-night bath and go right to bed. He was out within minutes! What a day he had! I am so thankful this morning that we are all okay, and our roof is still in tact.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sunday Morning

Sunday morning stroll (yes, he's really heavy!).

Me and Willy Wonka, just hangin' out.

So, I'm ready to crawl...but I'm still not going anywhere....

I'm going to be dangerous once I get moving! Lookout world!

Friday, September 3, 2010

playdate with Jessica and Casper

Would you believe Hudson is the youngest of the three babies? In the last photo you might be fooled into thinking he's crawling...but, no... not yet. He's painfully close, and everyone keeps telling us- "any day now!" We had a great time this morning at our play date. Hudson really enjoys playing with other babies. I think he was also motivated to get moving by Jessica and Casper who were both crawling around all over the place!

Another new development, this morning when Hudson woke up he somehow figured out how to get into the sitting position all on his own. When Scott went in to say good morning, there he was sitting in the crib, just hanging out with his lovey, smiling at Scott as if to say, "hey, what took you so long to get here?".

watering with daddy

Thursday, September 2, 2010

DOC Band update

Yesterday we went to Cranial Technologies for an adjustment to the band. This photo was taken in Hudson's favorite waiting room. He likes it because it has the bouncy horse...Hudson had some photos taken to compare the difference between his head pre-band and his head now, and WOW! -huge improvements!! Honestly, you just would not believe the difference and at this point we are so glad Hudson had the DOC band. We're really happy with the progress he's made. we're facing a decision as to whether or not we want to do a second band. Yes, you read that right, a second band. UGH.

The people at Cranial Technologies who make the band are recommending another one, for another 2-3 months (of course they are!). Hudson is outgrowing his current band and can not continue to wear it. Since they think he still needs to be in the band, Hudson will have to be fitted for a new one. They believe we'll continue to see improvements, but have given us the disclaimer that his head will never be "perfectly round". I say, "so what, no one's head is perfectly round!". I'm okay with that. If, however, he needs the band then we'll do it. Since Scott and I don't feel comfortable making this decision ourselves, we're going to rely on the expertise of our pediatrician who we see next week for Hudson's 9 month visit. Then we'll make our decision. We'll keep you all posted once we know.

You might be wondering why you don't see much of the band on the blog....mostly it's because I take it off for pictures. I also take it off when we're outside because Hudson gets really hot in the band even indoors, so if we're outside for any period of time in 105 degree weather, I give him a break from the band. Other than that he's sporting his band 23 hours a day, 7 days a week....again...UGH.