Tomorrow Hudson visits the Dr. for his 6 month check-up. I'm DYING to see how much he weighs and how long he is!! I'm convinced he's close to 30 inches long, as he BARELY fits in his infant car seat anymore. I also suspect he weighs about 22-24 pounds. This may be a generous estimate, but if you saw the look of shock I get when people hear that he's only 6 months old, you'd be with me on this one. The fact that he's outgrowing his 12 month clothes and moving into the 12-18 month category only further proves my case. Scott disagrees, but he isn't lugging him all over town (creating biceps of steel) as I am. Tomorrow we'll know for sure. Place your bets now though...I think I'm gonna win this one.
Recent developments include sitting up by himself. It's not great form, but he's getting better. Teeth are coming any second now- at least one is. We can see it poking through his gums a little and his 12 hour night of uninterrupted sleep has been a little interrupted lately. Despite the fact that this is obviously a painful process for him, he's still being such a good baby! He is so mellow and content most of the time. We are so lucky to have such a sweet, sweet baby boy. I can not explain how he fills my heart with joy every day. Happy Birthday, LOVEBUG!!!
Happy 6 months, Hudson! I can't believe how fast you are growing! And you get more adorable everyday! Wish I could visit with you, hopefully soon! Skype soon, too! Lots of hugs and kisses!!! Love, Aunt Julie