Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

more hipstamatic

I am LOVING the hipstamatic iPhone app!! You've probably picked up on that by now. Maybe it's the artist in me craving some time in the studio, but I can't get enough of these!! I promise to take more photos with the real camera soon. I know not everyone loves the hipstamatic prints as much as I do. These are just a few of some of my recent favorites. Enjoy.

Monday, June 28, 2010


So far there isn't much interest in eating anything besides milk in a bottle. Of the foods we've tried, bananas are the favorite. Even those mostly end up on his face, hands and bib. You can see by the look on his face that he's not really into it. I'm hoping if we keep trying he starts to get the hang of it. If he takes after his daddy at all this food thing should catch on pretty quickly.

Friday, June 25, 2010

teeth and chubby legs

Good examples of both, I thought.
Hudson has two teeth now, though neither has fully come through yet. You can see them if you look close enough in photo #1. He's showing them off every chance he gets. Hands are still always in the mouth along with most things he manages to get a hold of. Legs are not the only thing chubby on this kiddo. Check out the arms and that tummy! He loves to eat! And don't you dare try taking the bottle away before it's empty. You're not gonna get away with it with this smarty pants. He likes his bottle. A lot. As is evidenced by photo #2.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

the DOC Band

Well, it's official. Hudson is getting a helmet (DOC band). Despite our efforts at hours upon hours of good quality tummy time, neck stretching and limiting the use of his carseat, he's getting a helmet. Hudson has what's called Plagiocephal. In real word terms that just means that he has a flat spot on the back of his head. The flat spot came from sleeping on his back which is what pediatricians recommend since sleeping on their tummies is a SIDS risk (at least until they can roll back and forth on their own). Hudson is still sleeping on his back, and has a tendency to turn his head to the right. The flatness that has resulted from this is causing some problems in the way his head is developing. You might notice that in the recent photos of him his left eye appears squinty and slightly smaller than the right eye. This is all related to the flat spot on his head which will hopefully be corrected by wearing a DOC band. The good news is that it can be fixed. The bad news is that he'll be wearing said helmet for 23 hours a day for 2-3 months. Today Hudson had a 3-D image made of his head so that they can build his DOC band specially for him. He'll get it July 8th and we'll see how he progresses over the following months. These images were taken in the Doctor's office today. He's such an amazing little baby boy. He continues to fill my heart with joy each and every day. I'll post some pics of his fancy helmet when it arrives in two weeks. Stay tuned.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Thursday, June 10, 2010

13 hours

Our little Hud-Bug was one tired little boy after yesterday's trip to the Dr.'s office. He fell asleep while drinking his bed-time bottle last night and then proceeded to sleep a solid 13 hours!! Who can blame a guy for being tired after getting a check-up, some vaccines, teething (his first tooth poked through a few days ago), and reaching new developmental milestones weekly (sitting on his own this week)! Wow!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Doctor Visit

Hudson had his 6 month check-up today and overall he's doing fabulous! He's healthy and happy (not to mention adorable!). As I mentioned yesterday, I've been really anxious to get to the doctor just to see how much Hudson weighs and how long he is. I know he's much bigger than most babies his age...and when we got there today I could hardly stand it! I wanted to go directly to the scale... I knew I was on track to win my bet with Scott when the first words out of the doctor's mouth were "well, they aren't starving you, are they Hudson?" A-Ha! So he agrees...I thought for sure I'd be right about this....I was convinced he was coming in at 30 inches, 23 pounds....I was close...Alas....I did not win the bet. Scott wins. Weighing in at 22 pounds 3 ounces Hudson is in the >95% for weight (in other words, off the charts!!!) and 27 1/2 inches long in the 85th percentile for length. Translation- Hudson is one BIG baby boy!!! We're talking linebacker status here. And he's growing bigger and bigger every day. YIKES!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Hudson is 6 Months old today!!!

Happy 6 Month Birthday, Hudson!
Tomorrow Hudson visits the Dr. for his 6 month check-up. I'm DYING to see how much he weighs and how long he is!! I'm convinced he's close to 30 inches long, as he BARELY fits in his infant car seat anymore. I also suspect he weighs about 22-24 pounds. This may be a generous estimate, but if you saw the look of shock I get when people hear that he's only 6 months old, you'd be with me on this one. The fact that he's outgrowing his 12 month clothes and moving into the 12-18 month category only further proves my case. Scott disagrees, but he isn't lugging him all over town (creating biceps of steel) as I am. Tomorrow we'll know for sure. Place your bets now though...I think I'm gonna win this one.
Recent developments include sitting up by himself. It's not great form, but he's getting better. Teeth are coming any second now- at least one is. We can see it poking through his gums a little and his 12 hour night of uninterrupted sleep has been a little interrupted lately. Despite the fact that this is obviously a painful process for him, he's still being such a good baby! He is so mellow and content most of the time. We are so lucky to have such a sweet, sweet baby boy. I can not explain how he fills my heart with joy every day. Happy Birthday, LOVEBUG!!!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Katy Trail with the family

Hudson and I walk the Katy Trail several times a week. It's much more fun on the weekend when the rest of the family is able to join us. We walked about 2.2 miles today. It was about 90 degrees when we got started this morning at 10am. These pictures were about halfway through the walk. The dogs look like they are ready to call it a day at this point, but they actually held up well.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Laughter & Concentration

More fun in the excersaucer, which has been a big hit lately. Onesie is courtesy of Aunt Julie and Uncle Mike, a souvenir from their recent trip to Colorado. It's supposed to fit "snug", but I'm not sure it's supposed to fit that "snug"! May be retiring that one soon...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Fun in the Tub

Hudson's favorite part of the day (most of the time) is his bath. He LOVES to hang out in the tub and usually ends up splashing water everywhere!