Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Thursday, March 12, 2015

For Christmas Scott bought me a new digital SLR camera, which admittedly was quite intimidating. I've had a digital SLR before, but never learned beyond the "automatic" setting (embarrassing, I know).
Everything I learned in photography was with film and a dark room, digital always felt foreign to me in a lot of ways. So, last weekend I took a "mamas with cameras" workshop to familiarize myself with my new camera. It was a fabulous experience, I am so glad I did it! I'm no longer scared of my digital SLR!  Following the workshop we were supposed to challenge ourselves to take a photo a day, and thankfully I have two of the best subjects in town to work with, so this challenge is easy for me. Below are some of my favorites.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Santa, etc...

December was an incredibly busy month in the Akins house. Visitors, birthdays, more visitors, Christmas, New Year's Eve, more visitors and a two week break from school. Thus, I have not had any time to post and now I'm way behind. New Year's Resolution: keep up with the blog.

So, I'll share with you some photos of our December, starting with Christmas Eve dinner at Chinooks, and by the way, the kids LOVE Chinooks.

Hudson and me at Chinooks, Christmas Eve dinner.

Maddie and her beloved Elsa doll, which Santa kindly delivered per her request.

Hudson and Madeline show off their toys from Santa, each with their number one request, blazing, blasting Dusty and Elsa. 

"Santa ate the cookies and Rudolph ate his carrots!!!"

In their new Darth Vader and Elsa pajamas, a gift from Grammy and Grampa M. 

Venturing out to Snoqualamie for some fun in the snow. 

I won't mention any names, but SOMEONE was more excited than the kids.

Maddie tries to keep up with Daddy in the snow.

She most enjoyed eating the snow. No surprise.

Our (almost always) happy girl, big smiles in the snow.

Hudson was more excited about throwing the snowballs than tubing. 

Getting ready to slide down the hill.

And, last but not least, Hudson's 5th birthday photo. 5. Holy cow. Kindergarten is coming!

Friday, December 12, 2014

Oh, Christmas Tree, oh Christmas Tree..

Last weekend we made the trek out to Seabeck to cut down some Christmas Trees. Uncle Paul drove us there with his tractor and Maddie as his co-pilot. The kids had so much fun and so did we. We've said it many times, family is everything and it's times like this that really make that true. Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 8, 2014

Saturday, November 1, 2014


A few months ago (yes, months) Scott took the kids to Costco to buy their Halloween costumes. Truth be told, he'll look for any excuse to head to Costco. He could spend hours there, not to mention every bit of our savings.

After perusing the Halloween costume choices, Snow White and Red Ranger were the winning picks. Neither child had any trouble making their decision. There were several practice events, trying on their costumes, and rehearsing "trick-or-treat".

Both kids enjoyed wearing their costumes to school last week and looked forward to wearing them again for Halloween night and trick-or-treating. We had friends join us at our house before walking up to Queen Anne Avenue where all of the stores and restaurants passed out candy. The kids had a blast and their costumes were a hit. With all the Elsas walking around I think Snow White was an especially big hit, complete with her infectious and contagious smile. Hudson sported his mask for about 20 minutes and then decided life was better with it off.

Despite the signs that said "One piece per child, PLEASE",  Maddie left with handfuls and no one seemed to care. Hudson, being the picky eater he is, took the extra time required to make darn sure he got no chocolate in his stash.

It was a really fun Halloween and I look forward to the many left to come.

In this last pic, Hudson and Maddie sample their first "treat" of the night.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Fire Safety Day at School

Today was "Fire Safety Day" at School. Hudson and Maddie have been talking about fire safety at school for over a week now. We've been given all of this second-hand knowledge on staying safe, stop-drop-and-rolling, making 911 calls, etc.,  little by little and then today…well, today...the fireman showed up! Firetruck and all!

How "cool" these things are when you're 2, 3, 4, 5…this was an awesome day for all.

Oh, and although I was not able to get a photo-

Of the 20+ kids who attend WCLC, ages 2 1/2-6, Maddie was the ONLY one who stepped right up to try on the fireman's coat. This FEARLESS girl reminds me so much of myself she makes me smile every day. Oh, how she fills my heart with joy. They BOTH make me so proud and I am continuously grateful to be their mommy.
