Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Thursday, March 12, 2015

For Christmas Scott bought me a new digital SLR camera, which admittedly was quite intimidating. I've had a digital SLR before, but never learned beyond the "automatic" setting (embarrassing, I know).
Everything I learned in photography was with film and a dark room, digital always felt foreign to me in a lot of ways. So, last weekend I took a "mamas with cameras" workshop to familiarize myself with my new camera. It was a fabulous experience, I am so glad I did it! I'm no longer scared of my digital SLR!  Following the workshop we were supposed to challenge ourselves to take a photo a day, and thankfully I have two of the best subjects in town to work with, so this challenge is easy for me. Below are some of my favorites.


  1. So glad to see these! Looking forward to seeing them in real life too :-)

  2. So glad to see these! Looking forward to seeing them in real life too :-)
