Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Thursday, July 31, 2014


...and the livin's easy...

Popsicle break. 

I'm not sure who had the most fun, Scott or the kids? 

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Batman and Robin

Superheroes, Batman and Robin, Robin and Batman, they like to mix it up. They're quite the pair, these two. Who knew you could love a superhero so much?

Thursday, July 17, 2014


One of my favorite things as a child (and as it turns out as an adult) is building sandcastles. I could literally spend hours in the sand without a care in the world. It's nostalgic for me; takes me back to that wonderful, magical, moment of being a child at the beach playing in the sand. Sharing this experience with your own children is quite wonderful as well. Hudson and I built a pretty spectacular castle today. We even had random children joining in to help us! I don't have a picture of the finished product, but here we are at the beginning- note where Maddie has decided to sit. What a great time we had!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

You've heard me say, "Maddie's a MESS!" Well, here's the proof.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Loving SUMMER!!

Our Summer is off to a great start and we're all enjoying the sunshine! Days have been full of play dates, beach trips, splash parks and wading pools. The kids are really, really enjoying themselves! We're going through quite a bit of sunscreen these days, but not having to put on bug spray in addition to the sunscreen is truly wonderful. I love you, Seattle!!!

Today Maddie debuted her new bikini, courtesy of Grammy "Burger", and I'm here to tell you, I'm quite certain there has never been a cuter two year old in a bikini! 

And, oh, that "older brother/younger sister" love, it is just beyond words. I mean, when you walk into a room and discover your son and daughter hugging each other, completely at their own will, well, like I said, there are just no words. The greatest joy, the greatest, truly. I love these two, they just fill me with joy. 

Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy 4th!

A fun day on Bainbridge Island, celebrating Independence Day!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


To Popsicles and Summer!