Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Friday, June 6, 2014

The TWO year check up

Today Maddie had her two-year check up. Hudson has been telling her for weeks that when she turns two, she will get two shots. He has discussed this at length with her, despite her complete and utter lack of concern on the matter. I think his four year check up May have done some permanent damage. He remembers those shots in great detail and he's letting everyone know that no one, and I mean no one, is gonna get away with it in the future. we learned that Maddie weighs 27.6 pounds and is 37 (37!!!!!!!!) inches tall. This puts her in the 50th percentile in weight and off the charts in height! Her doctor said that it's not unusual for girls her height to be on the thin side. Tall and thin? Talk about every girls dream. Lucky girl! Based on her stats now, the doctor predicts she'll be between 5'10"-5'11".

She had a great check-up and only had to get one shot (this completely threw off the Hud). She was not happy about the one she did get, so I told her we'd go to Starbucks and get a treat. She usually gets the "chocolate chunk" cookie when given a choice, but today she opted for a chocolate "cake pop". She ate every single bit. Chocolate just might be her favorite thing in the world (besides Hudson).

I love this little girl with every single part of me. Just love her!

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