Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Maddie: "Where goin', Mommy?"
Mommy: "Well, we're gonna go home so WE can rest, Maddie."
Maddie: "NOOOOOOOOO! NOOOOOO! No, mommy! I not Ty-word!"
Fast forward 30 seconds...

Monday, June 23, 2014

There is simply nothing in the world that competes with seeing my two little ones together. They ADORE each other and their bond continues to grow stronger each day. I am so glad they are so close! 

Now that we're seeing the sun more and more and it's actually warm, we're spending most of our time outside. It doesn't take much to make these two happy, a bucket of water and a sponge, they will happily, excitedly wash anything you want and then ask you for more to wash! Our patio chairs have never been cleaner. Our kids on the other hand, have never been dirtier! Hey, if you're not getting dirty, you're not having fun. At least when your 2. And 4. 

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Super delayed Father's Day post

I'm way late on this sentiment, but as they say, better late than never,'s to the best dad I know, we all love you! (Hudson made the shirt Scott is wearing, it says "you are my world")

Thursday, June 12, 2014


It's feelin' like summer around here...but don't get too excited, rain is predicted for the next 4 days. This is Seattle. Oh well, for the time being, when it feels like summer, we make the best of it. I love summer!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Splash Park

Here's another one of the 721 things I love about living in Seattle- splash parks. I'm not sure I've ever seen the kids happier. Smiles for days, endless amounts of laughter and just plain "being a kid" fun! That nostalgic feeling of being a kid in the summer suddenly comes back and I find myself saying,  "I love summer!"

Please note that these are FREE, well-cared-for local parks that you can go to anytime you want. I have a feeling we'll be doing this a lot this summer.

Friday, June 6, 2014

The TWO year check up

Today Maddie had her two-year check up. Hudson has been telling her for weeks that when she turns two, she will get two shots. He has discussed this at length with her, despite her complete and utter lack of concern on the matter. I think his four year check up May have done some permanent damage. He remembers those shots in great detail and he's letting everyone know that no one, and I mean no one, is gonna get away with it in the future. we learned that Maddie weighs 27.6 pounds and is 37 (37!!!!!!!!) inches tall. This puts her in the 50th percentile in weight and off the charts in height! Her doctor said that it's not unusual for girls her height to be on the thin side. Tall and thin? Talk about every girls dream. Lucky girl! Based on her stats now, the doctor predicts she'll be between 5'10"-5'11".

She had a great check-up and only had to get one shot (this completely threw off the Hud). She was not happy about the one she did get, so I told her we'd go to Starbucks and get a treat. She usually gets the "chocolate chunk" cookie when given a choice, but today she opted for a chocolate "cake pop". She ate every single bit. Chocolate just might be her favorite thing in the world (besides Hudson).

I love this little girl with every single part of me. Just love her!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Kids are awesome!

Aside from our  normal daily adventures, two things happened today that made me really smile-

1. Hudson proudly "tucked in"  kitkat


2. Maddie fed her babies (and a tractor) ice cream for breakfast.

Geez, I love these two!