Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Saturday, February 1, 2014


This week I turned 40.

When I was younger, 40 seemed old. 40 seemed forever away. People talked about 40 like it was a bad thing. Terms like "over the hill"  always came up and it was something I always dreaded.

I can tell you, 40 isn't so bad. It hasn't really even phased me. I had a great birthday. Spectacular in fact. Truthfully, I couldn't be happier. I'm happily married, I have two amazing, healthy kids (though admittedly, they do sometimes drive me crazy), I love where we live (city, not house) and I don't FEEL old. I don't feel "over the hill". I'm actually glad I finally am over that stupid hill.

My 20's, while both educational and wildly fun, I wouldn't go back. My 30's were incredibly good to me. I met Scott, fell in love and married him, had two kids (did I mention how they were amazing!?!), we finally got out of Texas and life is good. Most days. I'm not saying life is perfect, I don't believe that's true for anyone, but in my life, this is the best it's been.

I say, bring on the 40's.

Dinner at Canlis. UNBELIEVABLE!

My amazing kids. My life's greatest gift, by far. 

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