Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Friday, February 28, 2014

When the sun comes do we, no matter what. The dreary weather has really affected me, more than I thought it would, but thankfully, the sun has shown it's face the last two days and out we've gone. Thank you, sun, we have missed you.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

I posted this photo to Facebook, with the question, "Which one is the extrovert?"'s a tough call.

Another great question- who does Maddie look like? There are differing opinions here, but I must say, this pic was especially revealing to me. Thoughts?

Monday, February 24, 2014

What happens...

...when you turn us loose... Our first night away (NO KIDS) since November 2011.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

When your daughter wakes up at 5AM daily and your son wakes up because your daughter is so loud that not even the neighbor can sleep, the whole house is ready for a nap at 7.

Yes, 7. 




please help Maddie understand that sleeping in is a beautiful, wonderful thing. Please teach Maddie to sleep longer, later...Please, please, please. 

Yes , I'm begging. 

I need sleep.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Truth

People post these "blunt cards" on Facebook all the time. They're supposed to make you laugh, but this one was all too real for me. Enjoy.

Sunday, February 9, 2014


This morning Hudson came into our room and said, "Hey everyone, there's snow on the trees and the houses and the cars and the buses, it's all over the place! It must be Christmas!"

Well, no, but it was beautiful, and for the rest of the day Maddie looked out the window and said, "Snow! Alllllllooooo'errthepace!" (Translation: Snow! All over the place!")

A fun snow day it was!

Discovering snow.

An old pro at the snow-snow angel. 


Out in the street, playing in the snow.

And, the making of a snowman:

Saturday, February 1, 2014


This week I turned 40.

When I was younger, 40 seemed old. 40 seemed forever away. People talked about 40 like it was a bad thing. Terms like "over the hill"  always came up and it was something I always dreaded.

I can tell you, 40 isn't so bad. It hasn't really even phased me. I had a great birthday. Spectacular in fact. Truthfully, I couldn't be happier. I'm happily married, I have two amazing, healthy kids (though admittedly, they do sometimes drive me crazy), I love where we live (city, not house) and I don't FEEL old. I don't feel "over the hill". I'm actually glad I finally am over that stupid hill.

My 20's, while both educational and wildly fun, I wouldn't go back. My 30's were incredibly good to me. I met Scott, fell in love and married him, had two kids (did I mention how they were amazing!?!), we finally got out of Texas and life is good. Most days. I'm not saying life is perfect, I don't believe that's true for anyone, but in my life, this is the best it's been.

I say, bring on the 40's.

Dinner at Canlis. UNBELIEVABLE!

My amazing kids. My life's greatest gift, by far.