Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Maddie is such a little charmer. When she looks at you with her big brown just better lookout.

She's got such personality. Independent, strong, silly, smart, and affectionate. I could honestly hug her all day. 

She's also:
1. A total hippie. Loves to be naked. 
2. Has recently become a HUGE Seahawks fan.

Hudson has recently become very aware of fashion. He is insistent on only the finest. Here's a look at his most recent selection. Pretty darn cute, I must say. 

He has also suddenly taken an interest in Superheroes. Specifically Batman (thank you Akins/Smith family!). 

We are missing the sun a bit, but we're becoming regulars at the sandbox. 

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