Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Friday, January 31, 2014

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Maddie is such a little charmer. When she looks at you with her big brown just better lookout.

She's got such personality. Independent, strong, silly, smart, and affectionate. I could honestly hug her all day. 

She's also:
1. A total hippie. Loves to be naked. 
2. Has recently become a HUGE Seahawks fan.

Hudson has recently become very aware of fashion. He is insistent on only the finest. Here's a look at his most recent selection. Pretty darn cute, I must say. 

He has also suddenly taken an interest in Superheroes. Specifically Batman (thank you Akins/Smith family!). 

We are missing the sun a bit, but we're becoming regulars at the sandbox. 

Monday, January 20, 2014

Pacific Science Center

This afternoon we became members of the Pacific Science Center.

I think this was a wise decision.

Checking out the anemones.

Hud learned he is roughly the length of a duckbill's foot.

Father and son Lego time.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

This afternoon when I picked up Hudson, he was really, really excited to tell me about a note his teacher helped him write for me. I found it in his backpack when we got home. 

Be still my heart...

Friday, January 10, 2014

No Words

I just don't even have words for how much I love these two.

No words at all.

Just. Pure. Joy.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

More Indoor fun

Everyone warned us, we knew it was coming, the dreary, gray, rainy winter days of Seattle. They're here and I can't lie, it's getting to me. I don't like being cooped up inside day after day after day, so, though still indoors, we've venturing out.

 Until the sun shines again...

Having dinner with my favorite boy following a doctor appointment. 

Will literally wrestle you when you try putting her in her car seat in the car, but bring the car seat inside and she'll sit in it. All day. With Elmo (big and little).

With his best friend, Asher at Playdate Seattle. 

All smiles at Playdate.

Indoor volleyball court doubles as a super-sized sandbox for Seattle little ones.

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Friday, January 3, 2014

Indoor fun. It's winter in Seattle, we have to make our own fun around here...

Hence the following:

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Tornado Watch

Ever wondered what it's like to shop with a tornado?!

And, speaking of shopping...someone got a new ski wardrobe. Time to hit the slopes! (Note: the background. Yes, the background. A tornado can destroy everything in a mere matter of seconds).