Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

And the fun begins

When Hudson was an infant Scott diagnosed him with Hoof and Mouth disease because he had red splotchy spots all around his mouth. I thought he was crazy and I've teased him about it a lot ever since... I mean, who diagnoses their infant with Hoof and Mouth disease?!?! Not to mention autism, down syndrome, lazy eye, you name it-  Scott said he had it...but Hoof and Mouth was by far my favorite...People can't get Hoof and Mouth disease, only animals (with hooves mind you) can. Well, as it turns out, they can get Hand, Mouth, Foot, Disease or HFMD. Hand, foot, and mouth disease is a common viral illness that usually affects infants and children younger than 5 years old. However, it can sometimes occur in adults. Symptoms of hand, foot, and mouth disease include fever, blister-like sores in the mouth, and a skin rash. 

AND guess who has it?
Hudson does. 

Or so the doctors (we saw 2) think so, although he doesn't have the blisters in his mouth which is one of the main symptoms. The doctors weren't exactly sure what else it could be, so that's what they said he has.... So, there you have it, Hudson has Hand, Foot, Mouth Disease.

He's got a rash all over his little body, and he's highly contagious (the doctors said we should limit contact with Madeline, oh, ok, SURE, THAT WILL BE EASY!) and he can't go to school. Yep, you read that right. No school. This was his last week for the summer, and more importantly, at least to me, my last week of mornings free (well, somewhat) and now he can't go to school. So, here we are, the three of us (2 of us are sleeping right now, 1 is too stressed out to close her eyes) stuck inside until the rash disappears, and even then they say Hudson is still contagious for up to two weeks. 

You've got to be kidding me!
This is definitely a "WHY ME?!!?" moment.

On a more upbeat note, our sweet little girl is one month old today, where did the month go? I honestly couldn't tell you. The entire month of June is just a fuzzy blur. I know it happened but I don't have a very accurate recollection of it all. I do have pictures to prove it though. Enjoy.

Madeline, 4 weeks old
Hud models the Bumbo as a hat.
...and the boppy pillow as a hat...hats are big this summer, don't you know?

Sunday, June 24, 2012


Hudson Richard, 7 days old

Madeline Elizabeth, 3 weeks and 3 days old

Friday, June 22, 2012

It's all fun and games until...
the baby starts crying...

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Madeline's Newborn Photo Shoot

We got a sneak peek at one photo from Madeline's newborn photo shoot earlier this week....

Then yesterday we got the entire shoot via slideshow...if you'd like to see the pics, follow the link below, look for the adorable baby in purple with "Akins" next to it, you'll need the password (madeline) and enjoy! The slideshow is only available to view for a limited amount of time and then it expires, so enjoy it as many times as you like until then. Oh, and its not recommended that you view the slideshow on your phone or iPad, but if you do you'll need an additional password, 7f77.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day

Father's Day breakfast at the Dream Cafe
Three generations of Akins

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The big brother

I don't think I'll ever get tired of these pics. Hudson is really very sweet with his little sister, holding her, kissing her, patting her head gently, attempting to soothe her when she cries, "stop crying, baby! It's ok, baby!" When I tell Hudson that the baby is hungry, he goes into the kitchen and says, "the baby's hungry, eat baby!" My hope is that he continues to enjoy his little sister as I know there is a high probability that there will be some bumpy roads ahead.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Pink ice cream!!

Yesterday we took a much needed break from the house and went out for Hud's favorite- pink ice cream!! Madeline was a trooper, sleeping most of the time we were out. She does a lot of sleeping these days, but we know that will change soon enough and before you know it, she'll be eating pink ice cream, too!

Friday, June 8, 2012

When I found out I was pregnant with Madeline I began to wonder if it was possible to love another baby as much as I love Hudson. I know that sounds silly because of course I would, right? In my heart I knew I would, but I still worried. It was difficult to wrap my head around loving anyone as much as the Hud.

Well, after one week with my new little angel I can honestly say that it IS possible. I could literally sit and watch my little girl sleep all day long. She is so amazing in every single way, and having been through this whole baby thing before I can now appreciate that each phase of their lives goes so, so quickly that I am embracing every single moment. Even the 2AM wakings are special (though I'd be lying if I said I wasn't exhausted).

So, I guess my worries about whether or not I would have enough love to give both my babies are gone. Now I can worry about something else, and if you know me well, you know I will.

One thing that has surprised me a bit is how much I'm missing Hudson. With a C-section delivery the recovery period takes some time and there are limitations to what I can do (I can't lift Hudson for 4-6 weeks!!). All of that combined with the fact that our bedroom is upstairs and I'm only allowed two trips up and down per day (I have to choose them wisely). This portion of recovery thankfully only lasts two weeks, then I can come and go as I please. But, for now I am really, really missing my little boy. I just don't get to see him very much and when I do it's difficult because I'm usually feeding or holding the baby. It's going to be this way for a while, and I'm feeling a bit guilty about it. I was warned I'd have some "mommy guilt" once the second baby arrived, after all, Hudson and I have been together, just the two of us for 2 1/2 years and now suddenly everything has changed. I sort-of knew this was coming, I have even written about it on the blog, but I honestly didn't think it would be this hard. I just miss my little boy so much right now.  I miss our special times together, reading books, playing at Coffee Park (Hud's all time favorite), going for pink ice cream, music class and many, many other things.

On top of that I'm also an emotional wreck, crying at the drop of a hat these days, which is all to be expected postpartum, or so they told us when they discharged me from the hospital.

Maybe it's the hormones and the postpartum blues, I don't know...maybe it's just me being sappy.. but my heart is so filled with love for my amazing husband and our two beautiful, healthy babies. We are now a family of four, and I am one lucky girl.

Monday, June 4, 2012

I am so grateful for the people in our lives who came to help our family as we welcome baby Madeline home. I honestly don't know what we would have done without all of you. Hudson has really enjoyed having new people to play with, too!

Aunt Julie with her niece, Madeline and nephew, Hudson.
"Papa" and "Gramma" with Madeline and Hudson.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Baby Madeline Pics

Alert and awake, her eyes are deep, dark blue just like her brothers were
Sleeping and so peaceful
Our baby girl sleeping
Madeline with aunt Julie
Madeline and her Daddy

Hudson did have the chance to hold his little sister yesterday and he even sang "Stars Shining" and "Twinkle Little Star" to her, which I must admit was one of the sweetest sights I've ever seen. I'm not sure why we didn't have a camera readily available for this experience, but we're hoping for a repeat today so we can share some photos with all of you. Hudson is very interested in his little sister, but he's still a bit unsure about her. His mommy is missing him like crazy! We are totally and completely in love with our little girl and just can't get enough of her right now. We're hoping to head home tomorrow.