Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

the "pa"

If you're a regular blog follower, you know that Hudson and I visit a park almost every single day. So naturally he's learned the word park, or as Hudson says, "pa!" He can spot a "pa!" almost as easily as he can spot a "baaaaaaaall" and he's pretty crazy about them both. When I ask Hudson, "Would you like to go bye-bye?" his response is "pa! pa! pa!" even if the "pa" is not on the agenda, we try to make a quick stop anyways. Hudson just loves the "pa" so much!

Monday, March 28, 2011

So this is how it usually goes...Hud spots a ball. Hud can't think of anything else but that ball. Hud goes after the ball even though someone else is clearly playing with the ball. We chase Hud. We have to leave the park because Hud doesn't understand why he can't play with the ball.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Thursday, March 24, 2011

A summary of my week thus far, written in part by the HUD

Here I am watching for squirrels with my friend, Willy Wonka.

This week I got a new soccer ball!!
Not only can I throw it around but I can kick it around, too!

I hung out at the park with my mommy.
We took a break in the shade and mommy snapped up our picture together.
She says she doesn't have enough pictures of the two of us and then she said something about a "hint...hint..." for daddy....

Here I am having breakfast and a very meaningful conversation with my favorite family pet, KitKat.

I took several good naps this week (according to me anyways...).

I helped Mommy with the laundry.
I'm really good at wrinkling up the clean clothes that come out of the dryer.

I learned a new trick!
If you stick your tongue out at me I'll stick mine out at you and then laugh about it
because it's really funny!

And of course, I took many trips to the park. I think I've got another molar coming in....I sure have had my hands in my mouth a lot lately. Ouch!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011



Yesterday Hudson and I went to the park.
When it was time to leave I told Hudson
it was time to say goodbye to the park,
but he didn't want to go.
At all.

So....he sat down...

and took his shoes off in protest.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Peek-A-Boo In the Tub

Now you see him.

Now you don't.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Disclaimer: this is not a frappuccino, it's a strawberry smoothie.
This is a new development for the HUD,
drinking a smoothie AND drinking out of straw!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


This afternoon I was lucky enough to take a nap with the Hud.
This is a rare occasion, as he usually prefers to nap alone in his crib.
I took advantage of the opportunity.
It was wonderful.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Standard lunch procedure:
One for me, three for each dog.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

hangin' out with da-da

It's been so nice here in Big D the last couple of weeks, we've been spending a lot of time outside. The hud loves it. He's also really working on those walking skills, he walks everywhere. I don't even bother with a stroller most of the time, he just does not want to be in it. Although I think his da-da would be happy to ride around in a stroller, it's exhausting chasing this little boy around! Unfortunately, the Hud woke up with another bug this morning. He's fever-ish and just generally not very happy. I don't know how he picks these things up so frequently. I just hate seeing him so miserable. Poor love-bug!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Today Hudson's friend Ethan came over for a play date. I moved the dogs upstairs because they tend to get very excited when guests come over and I didn't want to overwhelm our guests with too many doggie kisses. Of course, it was no secret that they were up there, Willy Wonka makes it a point to introduce himself to anyone who enters our home....Once they boys knew where they were, they could not stop pointing up the stairs at them and talking to them, it was really cute. I'm not so sure the dogs would agree, but there's no doubt they're loved!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011