Hudson with one of my old paintings....
yes, I do believe we have a painter in our future!
The Hud has a sense of humor, no doubt.
Here he is being silly.
He loves to make you laugh!
I say it all the time and I'll say it, he's cute!
We walked the katy trail this week. It didn't go so well. Hud used to be very content in the stroller for a long walk on the trail, but not any more. He wants to WALK the trail, not ride it! So, we stopped at the halfway mark and I let him stretch his legs a bit. Hud decided he wanted to dance a little (which he's doing in this photo, but you can't really tell). Also, he's sporting one if his new t-shirts from Gramma and Grampa A- (he says thank you!). By the way, the entire second half of this walk was a complete disaster....once he got out, he didn't want to go back in the stroller and therefore cried most of the way. It was a very nice day out and the trail was packed, so I had a lot of people staring at me as if to say, "hey lady, what's wrong with your kid? And thanks a lot for ruining our walk on the trail!" I did attempt to just carry him at one point, but my goodness....he weighs 30.6 pounds and there were about 2 miles left on the trail!!
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