Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Monday, February 28, 2011

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sunday afternoon

Today we took the Hud to Froggie's toy can see Hud found what he was looking for, and it should be no surprise to you regular blog readers...

Friday, February 25, 2011

I absolutely adore this dog!! Sometimes when mommy goes into another room for a minute she returns to find me loving on Dulce. Even though she gives me too many kisses sometimes, I still adore her!!


I climb into and everything these days! Nothing is safe!
Look what I did this morning. I fit perfect in here!

One of my new favorite things to do is look through my books and find balls and/or balloons. I get really excited when I find one and always make a point to show my mommy. Mommy says I'm really smart because some of my Richard Scary books are several hundred pages long, and I always remember exactly where the balloons/balls can be found in each book.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


There is only one thing (okay, two things)
Hudson likes better than a ball.
1.) Balloons
2.) His Daddy
Today I bought him a big ball that we could take to the park and toss around. If we go to the park and someone at the park has a ball, forget it. He's crazy obsessed with balls! All he'll do is stare at the ball, point to it and say "baaaaaa". So, I decided we needed a ball of our own at the park. Hudson was quite popular with his ball today and managed to make two new lady friends who equally shared his interest in his brand new ball. What a flirt! (sorry no pics for proof of this, but trust me, he's good with the ladies!!!).

Action shot!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

More beautiful weather in Dallas this weekend
and more fun at the park!

Friday, February 18, 2011

everyday pics

In addition to the blog, I send Scott A LOT of pictures throughout the day on his phone. I feel like he misses out on so much during the week and I want to share my time with Hudson with him as much as I can. These are a few of my favorites from this week.

Hudson with one of my old paintings....
yes, I do believe we have a painter in our future!

The Hud has a sense of humor, no doubt.
Here he is being silly.
He loves to make you laugh!

I say it all the time and I'll say it, he's cute!

We walked the katy trail this week. It didn't go so well. Hud used to be very content in the stroller for a long walk on the trail, but not any more. He wants to WALK the trail, not ride it! So, we stopped at the halfway mark and I let him stretch his legs a bit. Hud decided he wanted to dance a little (which he's doing in this photo, but you can't really tell). Also, he's sporting one if his new t-shirts from Gramma and Grampa A- (he says thank you!). By the way, the entire second half of this walk was a complete disaster....once he got out, he didn't want to go back in the stroller and therefore cried most of the way. It was a very nice day out and the trail was packed, so I had a lot of people staring at me as if to say, "hey lady, what's wrong with your kid? And thanks a lot for ruining our walk on the trail!" I did attempt to just carry him at one point, but my goodness....he weighs 30.6 pounds and there were about 2 miles left on the trail!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Well, the Hud and I are both feeling better today, thankfully! However, I'm worried Hudson might still be contagious, so we're going to miss our Music Together class this morning, which is unfortunate because we look forward to it all week! I just don't want to risk getting anyone else sick, especially since we've both been under the weather. We've been spending a lot of time outside, mostly in our yard this week. Hudson hates being cooped up inside as much as I do, but again, I don't want to take him to the park since there are always lots of other kids there. The weather has been nice, and Hudson loves being outside. These are pics I took this morning. Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Feelin' Better

Thank you Grammy and Grampa M for the balloons!!
Hudson loved them!
And, now Hud's feeling much better, but mommy's got a bug :(

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


This is the face of one sick little boy!
He was totally fine all weekend, but then Sunday night he didn't sleep (and neither did mommy).
Monday morning he looked like off to the Doctor we went!

En route to the Doctor. POOR HUD!

Post Doctor visit, heading to the pharmacy where Hud got some antibiotics to treat the CROUP. He slept much better last night and I can tell he's already feeling much better than he did yesterday. Having a sick little boy is heartbreaking!!
Feel better my little Hud-Bug!

Monday, February 14, 2011

A beautiful day

It was a beautiful weekend in Dallas, sunny and 67 degrees!
We got out and enjoyed the beautiful weather!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

back to the mall

Gone are the days of Hudson riding round in the stroller at the mall.... gone...gone... gone. He wants to walk....everywhere, and he's not playing around!! Put him in the stroller for a little bit to do some shopping and he's not a very happy camper. Truthfully, it's probably my fault for introducing him to the indoor play area at the mall which he can spot miles away. Today we took Scott for the first time. I've been sending him pictures all week while he's been working and he's been anxious to go see the Hud in action for himself. It really is so much fun watching him, he just loves it so much! You can tell he's just so proud of himself walking around like the big kids, and he's quite the flirt to boot!! What a big boy he's become! We just adore him!

Friday, February 11, 2011

indoor play

Hudson has a new favorite spot- it's an indoor play area at the Galleria. It is so much fun watching him there- he smiles the entire time, walks around everywhere (people say he looks like a drunken sailor, I say he's a new walker....cut him some slack!) and loves to climb on things. It makes this mommy very nervous! I am so, so, so, sooooooo proud to be his mommy. He is such a sweet little boy and he gives me so much JOY!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

snowed in

We woke up to more snow this morning, so the HUD and I are officially stuck inside again today. Maybe we'll work on our dancing skills...stay tuned for more videos coming soon....

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


The sun was shining yesterday, and even though it was cold outside,
we trekked out to the park anyways.
We were the only ones there!
We're supposed to get MORE SNOW on Wednesday.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Goodnight Gorilla

We think Hudson has a serious obsession with books. He LOVES books and would be happy if someone just read to him all day. Seriously. Now that we have Goodnight Gorilla (thanks Grammy and Grampa M!) this obsession has reached an all new level. He LOVES this book (it is really cute!) and wants to read it all the time! Just look at him in these pics, he's so happy! I must admit, we do have a very cute little boy, if I do say so myself!