Thankfully, he's cute. And thankfully, he's happy and content most of the time. He's a pretty easy-going baby. But if I could make one complaint about him...this baby does not nap. You may sense some frustration in my stating this, and yes, you're onto something, there's frustration. At most Hudson sleeps 30 minutes at a time. Sometimes 40 if you're lucky. But that's about as good as it gets. And since his naps are the only time I have to accomplish anything in the day (ie: shower, eat...) I don't get to do much of anything. I guess I shouldn't complain since he's still sleeping about 11-12 hours at night pretty consistently. But most babies his age are napping twice a day for an hour and a half to two hours at a time. Not Hudson. No way Jose. You might get a total of an hour a day. MIGHT. We have no idea what we're doing wrong. If anything. We've tried everything. Nothing works. Our doctor says he's "just not a napper". Great. But he sure is cute, and we sure do love him a WHOLE LOT!!
Not sure if this is consolation but neither was Teddy for a long time, but he has NEVER been a 11-12 hour sleeper. Teddy now takes more regular naps from being in a daycare and on their schedule. I found that as soon as you get one thing, something else goes haywire. Hang in there, supposedly at 3 they figure it all out! Hudson is totally adorable! We need to get these little men together.