Hudson and Madeline

Hudson and Madeline

Friday, April 29, 2011

the latest might have noticed I haven't been posting to the blog much, or that the Hud isn't looking his bright and cheery self these days. Well, here's why. We've been to the Dr., several Dr.'s A LOT lately. In fact, there have been very few days in the last few weeks without a visit to one Dr. or another, one test or another, one problem or another and so on and so forth...

Here's what we know:
  • generally Hudson feels fine
  • he's got a runny nose and/or congestion almost all the time
  • he coughs, wheezes and sometimes sounds like he has the croup even though he doesn't
  • he vomits - almost daily (and a lot)
  • he has major food "aversions" (he's not just a "picky" eater, it's more than that)
  • he's super strong willed
  • he's quite a looker (okay, I threw that one in just for fun....)

Here's what we don't know:
  • WHY
Yes, it's very frustrating. So...we've been to Hudson's pediatrician a zillion times with the same complaints, as well as another pediatrician in his office several times, seen two different pediatric pulmonologists, had a barium swallow study done, an MRI (it was normal, don't worry!), gone to food therapy (and still going once a week), and now this morning Hudson had a chest x-ray and an upper GI test done.

The photos above (he's playing peek-a-boo in the third image) were right before the horrifying upper GI test, which I hope he never has to go through again. It was terrible. Hudson was basically laying on a board strapped into a straight jacket so he couldn't move. He was so unhappy and it absolutely just broke my heart. There is just nothing worse than seeing your baby scared and crying and there's nothing you can do about it. Well, we got through it, and Hudson- as usual- was a total champ...a real trooper... and I am so proud to be his mommy. Thankfully, the test this morning showed that Hudson's anatomy is all normal and where is should be, functioning as it should be. Good news, but still no answers.

We're not sure where we're headed next, we'll wait for the Dr. to tell us. Though on Monday Hudson had a visit with one of the best pediatric pulmonologists around. He prescribed an asthma inhaler and a nasal spray which we started using that day. This combined with an acid reflux medicine he takes daily does seem to be helping. He hasn't vomited in 4 days (insert HUGE sigh of relief here). It's SO nice not to have to wash the carseat, highchair, numerous articles of clothing and blankets as we've been doing almost daily.

We're also working really hard on our food therapy homework, and we're making some progress in that area. Although with SUCH a strong willed toddler, it proves to be challenging in many, many ways. I wonder where that strong will comes from?

I'll keep you updated on the progress and I promise some happier blog pics very soon.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Monday, April 25, 2011


Hud + Pinkberry = Messy

Sunday, April 24, 2011

A new "Baaaallll" and back to the "Paaaa"

Thank you Grammy and Grampa M for my new Baaaaallll...
as you can see, it's a hit.
Mommy says, "Lookout David Beckham, you've got some real competition!"

Thursday, April 21, 2011

taking Dulce to the Dr.

Yesterday we took Dulce to the Veterinary dermatologist. The Hud and I waited about an hour while she had her skin test done to determine what she was allergic to. As it turns out she's allergic to just about everything...dust, fleas, numerous kinds of grass, cedar and just about every mold there is...poor Dulce. We (well, I) begin giving her allergy shots tomorrow, fingers crossed they give her some relief. This photo was taken immediately following her tests. She was groggy from the mild sedative they gave her, and the Hud lent a comforting hand. He loves Dulce!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The HUD and I have been extremely busy since our return from Tahoe last week, hence my lack of posts. I promise some great photos in the near future, but in the meantime...enjoy this pic of my adorable co-pilot.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Friday, April 8, 2011

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Hudson's hanging out with his cousin Scarlett this week in Tahoe.
It's been snowing all day so we've been inside all day, but we're staying busy with these two!!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

flying to Tahoe

We made it to Tahoe! Hudson was such a good boy the entire day. We are so lucky to have such a good little boy....but....traveling with a toddler is hard work! Especially one that never stops, doesn't want to be held or strapped into a seat. He wants to walk...everywhere...can't do that on a plane. He was a champ anyways though. We're in Tahoe, it's beautiful....snow everywhere. We're in for a really great week! More pics as our vacation continues...

Friday, April 1, 2011

Lessons Learned

Watering the plants is fun!

But you're gonna get wet!

When you fall down...and get really dirty....

you just get right back up again!