Here's what we know:
- generally Hudson feels fine
- he's got a runny nose and/or congestion almost all the time
- he coughs, wheezes and sometimes sounds like he has the croup even though he doesn't
- he vomits - almost daily (and a lot)
- he has major food "aversions" (he's not just a "picky" eater, it's more than that)
- he's super strong willed
- he's quite a looker (okay, I threw that one in just for fun....)
Here's what we don't know:
The photos above (he's playing peek-a-boo in the third image) were right before the horrifying upper GI test, which I hope he never has to go through again. It was terrible. Hudson was basically laying on a board strapped into a straight jacket so he couldn't move. He was so unhappy and it absolutely just broke my heart. There is just nothing worse than seeing your baby scared and crying and there's nothing you can do about it. Well, we got through it, and Hudson- as usual- was a total champ...a real trooper... and I am so proud to be his mommy. Thankfully, the test this morning showed that Hudson's anatomy is all normal and where is should be, functioning as it should be. Good news, but still no answers.
We're not sure where we're headed next, we'll wait for the Dr. to tell us. Though on Monday Hudson had a visit with one of the best pediatric pulmonologists around. He prescribed an asthma inhaler and a nasal spray which we started using that day. This combined with an acid reflux medicine he takes daily does seem to be helping. He hasn't vomited in 4 days (insert HUGE sigh of relief here). It's SO nice not to have to wash the carseat, highchair, numerous articles of clothing and blankets as we've been doing almost daily.
We're also working really hard on our food therapy homework, and we're making some progress in that area. Although with SUCH a strong willed toddler, it proves to be challenging in many, many ways. I wonder where that strong will comes from?
I'll keep you updated on the progress and I promise some happier blog pics very soon.